Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why i do not like Manchester United...

I am a Chelsea FC fan and i'm ok with the other clubs at the Premier League except Manchester United. I just don't like Man U, because some of their players and most fans are very arrogant. They 'shout' a lot before games, during goals and especially after winning. ('shout' as in a lot of bragging esp in Facebook) But they are total silent when their team draws and especially loose. I mean what type of fan is that? They do not stand by their favorite club when they have lost!! Yes, Man U has many fans but now we know that these fans are there just for the name and glory.

MankayU fans should learn from other club fans. We at Chelsea, we stick with our club no matter we win or loose. It is sad indeed to read of a report in the papers today that more than 100k Man City's fans lined up the streets to watch their heroes pass by, in contrast, just SEVEN (7) fans turned up to see grim-faced Manchester United's stars arrive for their end-of-season bash. These fans who claim to be true red devil fans are a disgrace!! Sore losers indeed, only in glory they stay by their team. They should learn from us, Chelsea fans and other club fans on how to be with the team in good times and in bad. That is a TRUE fan.Anyway i salute the at least seven Man U fans who were there.

Hope through this trophy-less year, MankayU fans would be more humble and stop bullying and bragging.