Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Fern and the Bamboo

I am in the midst of my exams, but wanted to share this inspiring story. It is a good reflection especially when we are experiencing spiritual dryness, or situations where we do not understand God's plan for us. It can be a strength when we are going through some struggles or difficulties in life. So dear friends, enjoy reading it. Be open and responsive to the voice of God speaking through this story.

The Fern and the Bamboo

One day I decided to quit... I quit my job, my relationship, my
spirituality... I wanted to quit my life.

I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.

"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

His answer surprised me...

"Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

"Yes", I replied.

"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of
them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the
earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the
bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern
grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo
seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo". He said. "In the third year,
there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the
fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not
quit." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the
earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But
just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the
five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it
needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could
not handle."

He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been
struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the
bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others."
said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet, they both
make the forest beautiful."

"Your time will come, "God said to me. " You will rise high!"

"How high should I rise?" I asked.

"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned.

"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help
you see that God will never give up on you.

Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days
give you experiences. Both are essential to life. Keep going...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

S.A.L.T Anniversary

Happy 3rd Birthday SALTies (Saint Anne Life Teen).

Wow you guys are growing, hope there is growth in your faith and commitment to the group too. It has been so long since I visited you guys, but nevertheless I have been informed of all your activities. I am very proud that you guys are still going strong and I have been part of you at least for a year. As you celebrate your anniversary, it is a good time to review the group, the objective, and the activities especially with all the changes that has taken place and will take place in the church and also in the group.

A youth group in the parish is not just a social group; it has a mission to accomplish. And your name itself shows the mission, a mission to be the ‘salt of the earth’ (Matt. 5:13). We see this phrase in the gospel just after the Beatitudes when Jesus highlights the role of the disciples. The role of the followers of Jesus is expressed by the images of salt and light. In Jesus’ time, salt was used not only to improve the taste of food but also to preserve meat and fish. When Jesus compares his followers to salt, he says that they are to improve the quality of human existence and preserve it from destruction.

Wow, do you see how big your role is!!
As a parish youth group (young disciples of Jesus) where youths serve youths, you are called to teach and guide the many youths in and around your parish no matter what race or religion they may be. To improve the quality of life for the youths today, we are called to guide them in the path that Jesus has set especially when the world today is so competitive, materialistic and individualistic. To preserve them in the love of God, we are called to instill in them the good values Jesus has taught in the scriptures. And one way we can do all this is to be AN EXAMPLE to them, this is peer-pressure. We have talked many times about this and we always say that we should be careful of the dangers of peer-pressure. Now I want you to look at another angle; another form of ‘peer-pressure’ is to influence those around us with good values. Yes, this is being salt of the earth; an example for others to follow, a life of contradiction (to know what I meant by life of contradiction, please read my article entitle ‘the crafty steward’ posted on Nov10, 2006).

You have many talents and gifts; use them all in expressing God’s love for all humanity and your love for God. Use all the means of information technologies and especially music. Music is a good tool to speak to your peers and as I remember there are many with such talents in SALT.

As I conclude, I want to assure each one of you of my prayers, that you may be Jesus’ special disciples in Singapore and throughout the world – salt of the earth. May the prayers of Mary, the humble daughter of St. Anne be with you. Do pray for me too. Wishing you all the best and hope to see you all soon.


Below is an interview I had with the editor of the SALT Newsletter 2005.

An Interview with Brother Adrian Mathews Francis

1. Please share a short background of yourself and your pastoral attachment to the church/ministry.
I am from Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. This is my 5th Year in the seminary (1st Year Theology). In the past 4 years I was at College General, the Major Seminary in Penang, Malaysia. I came to St. Francis Xavier Major Seminary, Singapore on January 15, 2005. I was posted to St. Anne’s Life Teen (SALT) on February 13, 2005. It is a requirement for a 1st year theology seminarian to be assigned to a youth ministry in a parish.

2. Is S.A.L.T. the first ministry you have been attached to?
I have been posted to many parishes and had various assignments for my pastoral in Malaysia but SALT is my first ministry in Singapore.

3. What was your first impression of S.A.L.T. (the youth and the committee members)?
My first meeting with all the youths of SALT was during the session on February 20, 2005 (Session on Lent). I was just an observer then. I was disappointed with the youth members because they were not cooperative and were not paying attention to what the Adult Facilitator was saying. They were busy messaging (SMS), and talking to their friends next to them throughout the session. I felt afraid that it would be a difficult task for me in future when I had to lead a session in SALT

4. From the time you joined S.A.L.T. to the present, do you think S.A.L.T. has grown or changed?
Yes, definitely SALT has grown and changed. I see more commitment and participation from the members. They are ever ready to help and contribute. I have seen times, when the youths respond very well to last minute assignments. All they need was just a call from the facilitators. It is very encouraging to see this, especially in the Singapore church. The best part is that although SALT members are all very young (between 13-18), they can put the adults to shame at times.
As for the facilitators…I must say Kudos for their dedication and commitment to the ministry. They have sacrificed a lot of their time, work, studies and family commitments for SALT. They are also responsible for the growth of SALT. I am proud to be a SALTee.

5. How did you feel when you had to take on a role as facilitator to the youth as well as sharing and giving your spiritual input in the committee? Did you have a chance to plan and lead a session?
Yes, I had many opportunities to plan and lead sessions. I was very happy that I was able to contribute. It also helped in my own personal development and spiritual growth.

6. How has the attachment with S.A.L.T. helped you in your own ministry?
The attachment did challenge me personally and helped me overcome my fears and improve certain weaknesses. It also helped me to see certain gifts and talents within me, which God had blessed me with. The pastoral attachment too, has exposed to me what the “future” (i.e. Youths) of the church in Singapore might be.

7. Share a favorite memory or experience you had with the youth or with the facilitators.
My favorite memory was during the car wash on April 17, 2005. I think Br. Clement and myself started the “water” fight. Not only the cars were wet, we got everyone wet too. On a serious note, I think that our involvement in the car wash with the facilitators provided the opportunity to get “personal” with the members, allowing us to know them better.

8. If you were to recruit more members for S.A.L.T., what would you tell them about S.A.L.T.?
SALT = “Happening”. If you want to spice up your life take SALT, for life tastes better with SALT.

9. Why is a youth group an important ministry in the Church?
The youths are the “future” of the Church. The Church always grows but it never becomes old, precisely because fresh “blood” is always infused in her. And a youth group has this important task in the church to provide the “blood”. With all the challenges and wrong ideologies that the world feed our youths, they need a place to belong, to feel secure, a place to overcome all their fears and challenges. The youth group must prepare them to face the world and thus they will be able to change the world and make it a better place as how God’s dream for the world is.

10. Lastly, what would you like to say to the youth and the facilitators? What is your wish for S.A.L.T. for the coming year?
Youths – “Be not afraid” (Mk6:50) Cast all your worries, fear and anxieties on Jesus. Jesus loves you and He will not let you down. He knows how you feel for He has experienced it. Let Jesus be your “idol” and you will not go wrong.

Facilitators – Keep up the good work. Your dedication and commitment gives hope to the church in Singapore. I am proud to have been part of your team.

Parents – You have great “gifts” in your life and the future of the church in Singapore is in your hands. Encourage and help your children to live lives of holiness, especially to consider the priestly or religious vocations. Be an example to them as how Mary and Joseph, the perfect family of Nazareth were to Jesus.

My wish for SALT next year (2006) is that it becomes the most “happening” youth group in Singapore.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Reflection on 2Cor 4:7-10

A short reflection by my classmate Surain.

But we hold this treasure in pots of earthenware, so that the immensity of the power is God's and not our own. We are subjected to every kind of hardship, but never distressed; we see no way out but we never despair; we are pursued but never cut off; knocked down, but still have some life in us; always we carry with us in our body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus, too, may be visible in our body. (2Cor 4:7-10)

Paul speaks of treasure in pots of earthenware. The earthenware by itself has little value. It becomes priceless because of the treasure it bears. And thus, it has to be appropriately moulded to be fitting to bear the treasure.

Let us reflect that in this short journey of life, how has God moulded us, the earthenware to be ready to bear Jesus the treasure so that Jesus may be visibly seen in and through us.It may be through life situations and event, persons and places, thoughts and memories, words spoken by people and by our own conscience. We must know that the earthenware is a fragile thing. God who aspires to bring forth the simple earthenware, sometimes break and builds, overthrows and recreates his handwork that it be fitting for the treasure. If God is working on you, have the courage to trust him. Be ready to suffer pain if its time to be broken to be built again. But it is only for our good for God's grace will be with us. Maybe that is what prompted Paul to say in that same letter some chapters later "My grace is sufficient for you" (2 Cor. 12:9) even with the thorns in his flesh. He was ready to be a worthy earthenware. So can we. So let God work on us.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Parable of the Crafty Steward

"The master praised the dishonest steward for his astuteness. For the children of this world are more astute in dealing with their own kind than are the children of light." (Luke 16:8)

I am not an expert in computer; in fact at times I think I’ve got a phobia about computers (cyberphobia) hehehe. You don’t think so...right???? Ok then, just like a friend told me recently in a nice way that I am just nervous.

I decided to start my own blog after the request from some of my youths of the parish of Christ the King and Christ the Light, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Nice bunch of youths. (Not sure whether they’ve been visiting my blog. They are link to my blog though, if you want to know more about them).

Before I started my blog, I went ‘window shopping’ into the cyber world looking for ideas and inspirations. Oh my…loads of information and an easy access to knowledge. There are many good blogs such as blogs that promotes peace, love to God’s creation i.e. mankind and other living creatures, and blogs that promote Christianity. Many Catholic organisations, churches, priests and individuals have blogs that speaks of Christ and His mission of extending the Love of the Father to the whole world. Many people share their insights and reflections and I am so touched especially when individuals share their personal experiences on the marvellous works God has done in their life.

Sadly there are a lot of abuses and bad influences in the Internet world too, blogs that promote hatred, self-centeredness, vulgarity, infidelity, pornography, homosexuality and many more. Instead of using their skills in the information technology to help people with all these struggles and problems, they are promoting them.

After all these considerations, I decided to take up the challenge to play a part in promoting Christ to the world through my blog. That’s the history of my blog; an encouragement from the youths and desire to promote Christ.
As I was reflecting on today’s Gospel taken from Luke 16:1-8, I am affirmed of my decision to start the blog. The parable from the Gospel reminds all of us to have the passion and enthusiasm just as the ‘children of the world’ in their dealings with their own kind. (Please make sure you read the gospel text to understand what I am talking about).

As I have stated above about the many abuses in the Internet and how the ‘children of the world’ go promoting vices through all the means they have, the ‘children of Light’ are called to be like them but not promoting vices, instead to promote God’s love through Jesus and goodwill to all people. Yes my friends, use all the means and resources we have, your gifts and talents are to be put in good use, to speak of Christ. Challenge yourselves, don’t let obstacles such as peer pressure, inadequacy in language, fear of what our friends may say or even fear of rejection by society. Be ‘children of the Light’ who is the Truth. For the Truth will set us free (Jn.8:32). Be the mind, mouth, hands, and feet of Christ; be God’s instrument. Through our little ways, let us make the world a better place. It is known that young people like to live a life of challenges, come let us live a life of ‘contradiction’; ‘contradiction’ to the lifestyle of the ‘world’, this is a good challenge...right??

As you can see, my blog is not some ‘big time’ blog, I just felt to put in my ‘1cent’ worth of reflections and share some words of inspirations I have come across. Hoping it will speak to atleast one person. I do hope I’ll have the strength and time to continue to update the blog.

Together let us pray; O God, grant us the grace and strength to live a life of ‘contradiction’. Use us Lord to be your instrument of peace and love. Lead us to act resolutely in the correct direction of our passion for Christ and the Kingdom of God. Amen.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tiny Sparks

Do not take lightly small misdeeds
Believing they can do no harm
Even a tiny spark of fire
Can set alight a mountain of hay.

Do not take lightly small good deeds
Believing they can hardly help
For drops of water one by one
In time can fill a giant pot.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Introduction to Vespers of Week 3, Wednesday.

Introduction to Vespers based on Psalm 126 (127)
Each of us have our own vision or aspiration of priesthood especially with the recent call for it through the assessment. We have our own individual and also community projects and assignments. We are slowly planning, shaping and building it.

Psalm 126 (127) is a reminder that if we do not depend on God on this 'building', if we do not bring God into all our projects it is going to be in vain. We are not to trust in 'horses', 'chariots', not to depend on friends, benefactors and even ourselves, but trust and depend only in God.

If the Lord does not build the house
in vain do its builders labour;
if the Lord does not watch over the city,
in vain does the watchman keep vigil. (vs 1)

As we pray this evening, we offer up all our visions, aspirations, projects, our priesthood to the Lord. Let our prayer be; not my will Lord, but Your will be done (Mk. 14:36).

Introduction to Lauds of Week 3, Wednesday

Introduction to Lauds based on Psalm 85 (86)

The sentiments expressed in Ps.85 (86), reminds us to never let disappointment or discouragement we encounter everyday to make us lose heart. Let us remember the marvelous deeds our God has done for his people and continue to trust that our Lord will always be at our side to help us.
All the nations shall come to adore you
and glorify your name, O Lord:
for you are great and do marvelous deeds,
you who alone are God. (vs.9-10)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Girlfriends Can Promote Vocations to the Priesthood too.

Yesterday while at parish for my pastoral, I met a group of youths at the fund raising counter selling cookies. I recognised a guy who is active in a ministry of the church; he was flipping the Catholic News. I was thinking of asking him if he was interested in the priesthood. As I came near to him, it happen that he just flip to the page of our advertisement for our vocation retreat which will be held beginning of December. I laugh and he turned to me saying: “Hi bro”. I told him, “Hey, I came here to ask you if you have thought about the priesthood and here you are reading our advertisement for Vocation Retreat. So you want to come for an experience?” While talking to him I notice a girl standing right in front of us listening to our conversation, she was sighing and very restless showing those uneasy faces (faces when you want a person to just go away). I just carried on my conversation with this guy and he told me that he has found his calling in the ministry in which he is serving now. I went to explain that he could do more in the ministry if he was a priest and tried to convince him that it is not wrong to just come for an experience. The girl just stared at me! Oopps, I was late for this ‘fish’. It looks like the girl has already caught this ‘fish’. Hehehe. I think that girl might be his girlfriend. I stayed on for a while chatting with them and as I was leaving them, I told the guy again that it’s not wrong to come and experience since he had no such experience. After taking a few steps away from them, I heard the guy saying; “I am sorry for that” I turn around and saw the guy speaking to the seemingly upset girl while pointing to the advertisement!!!

Oh my, are they in love??? Yes… but in my opinion the girl is not in true love with the guy! The sign is she is possessive and self-centred. True love is self-sacrificing. I am sure if she is really in love with him, she will encourage him to go for the experience and let him discern God’s will for him. Hey… she is also the one who is going to benefit!!. Because after the experience and discernment he can either say, ‘Honey, after the discernment I have found that I am not called to be a priest; so let us now discover our future together…’ or he can say ‘ Honey, I think God is calling me to be a priest…” The girl can go happy and thank god that the guy have made a good choice and have saved them from making wrong decisions. Just imagine, they are planning to get married and they have not thought about other choices (way of life). It will be difficult, if after getting married and suddenly the man or even ladies tell their partner that they are called to priesthood and religious life. They can go on with the married life regretting and thinking they have made the wrong choice. This can lead to conflict and unnecessary tensions in life and in their marriage.

I know many guys who have girlfriends, who still come to our vocation recollections and camps. When I asked them does their girlfriend know, they answer me with a big smile and a loud yes. Those girls are smart man!! They want their boyfriends to be sure in the decision their making. Hehehehe. It is beautiful to see girlfriends supporting and encouraging their boyfriends to go for such experience. I know some, who tells me that such experiences actually strengthen their relationship with their girlfriends. One guy told me this; “Bro, I have discovered that I am not called to be a priest, and God has given me…(name)…. to journey with me in life. God has showed me that she is the one for me and I am called to love and care for her” My friends, this couple that I am talking about are happily married now. They are really a loving couple and I believe it is because of the discovery they made with each other supporting to discern God’s will.

So, you see, vocation camps and retreats can have other purpose and not just discovery for the priesthood and religious life. So girlfriends encourage your boyfriends and vice versa!!! Let your love be self-sacrificing just like Jesus’ love for us and Mary’s FIAT. Together with Mother Mary, I pray that as all of you discover yourselves in your relationships, you may also be open and discern God’s will for each one of you.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Challenges of Priests of the 3rd Millennium

My presentation to the aspirants for the Vocation Retreat held on Dec 03, 2005.

Theme of session: - Priest of the 3rd Millennium

Song: - I offer my life
(Listen to the song and take a few minutes to write the words, phrase that touched you and write why it has touch you)

Scripture: - Luke 9:57-62
(Hardships of the apostolic calling)

· There are many reasons to follow Christ --> Joy in following and doing the will God. (Lk10:17-23, 22:28-30)
· Focus on this session --> The challenges
· From biblical times --> present there have been many challenges in following the Lord.

Biblical Times Hardships of the apostles / followers
· “Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man” (Lk5:8)
· Lack of faith (Lk8:22ff – calming the storm)
· Condition of following Christ (Lk9:23ff – “…take up his cross everyday and follow me…”
· Transfiguration experience (Lk9:28ff – “…he did not know what he was saying…disciples were afraid…”
· “This is intolerable language…” (Jn6:60)
· Jesus’ death – ‘failure’ (no disciples with him, except John / disciples disillusioned, loss, in fear) Lk24:13 – Emmaus, Jn20:19 – “…doors were closed in the room…for fear of the Jews…”
· Persecution – Acts of the Apostles

Pre Vatican II
· No consultation (Bishop-->Priests, Priest-->Laity)
· No Laity involvement
· Reformation – Luther (Indulgences)
· Priest was very functional (like the High Priests of the OT, who offered up sacrifices for the people)

Post Vatican II
· Priest as administrator of parish # administrator of sacraments (not enough time)
· Many ministry and areas to minister (chaplain, advisor, in-charge)
· Modern world (effect = too much concentration on theological academic aspect of the priestly ministry)

Priest of the 3rd Millennium
(extracts from the speech given by Bishop Tagle; Vocation congress for Asia,Bangkok, 23-26 June, 2005)

· Challenge : Globalisation --> materialistic / individualistic
Type of priest needed : Priests who are people schooled in true communion

· Challenge : Growing in lack of trust in Institutions & Leadership
(due to scandals)
Type of priest needed : Priest who use authority for service & who serve with

·Challenge : Growing number of poor / marginalized
Type of priest needed : Priests who are compassionate, welcoming & caring. An example.

·Challenge : Many searching for meaning in life
Type of priest needed : Hope to all

· Luke 9:57-62
- To follow Jesus must disengage ourselves from any:-
= “earthly home” (vs.57-58)
= “former responsibilities” (vs.59-60)
= “past relationships” (vs.61-62)

- Those who proclaim the Kingdom of God must live in a manner befitting the
kingdom and bid farewell to their historical past. (vs.60-62)

- Jesus had demonstrated a singular detachment from earthly matters (setting
out on a journey to Jerusalem (9:51, 57)

- Count the cost (discipleship --> cost to discipleship)

- Make the commitment

·Song “I Offer My Life”
- What is preventing me from making a decision to follow Christ? (guilt, regrets,
pain, incidents in the past, uncertainties of the future, wishes, future plans and dreams)

- Am I ready to ‘Let Go’ and ‘Let GOD’?

Reflection Questions for session on Priest of the 3rd Millennium (you may write the answers).

1. 5 reasons why I want to be a priest?
2. 5 reasons why I cant be a priest?
3. What will be my greatest challenge when I become a priest?
4. What is preventing me from making a decision to follow Christ?
5. Am I ready to let go and offer my past and myself to the Lord? (‘Let Go’ & ‘Let GOD’)