Friday, October 12, 2012

The hands that ministered to everyone, is now frail and weak....

I would like to share an interesting experience I had yesterday. If you remember, yesterday was my birthday and in my reflection I wrote about age, the 1st half of my life and the anticipation of the 2nd half. Coincidentally I attended the mass at the infirmary, bringing all my intentions and the intentions of the birthday well wishers. This infirmary is for all the old and sick Jesuit Priests. I noticed they were only 2 lay woman and 9 elderly priests including the main celebrant gathered there for mass. These priests had to be either wheeled into the chapel or aided by someone and their walking stick. 

During communion the main celebrant asked me to give Holy Communion to all those gathered there for mass since he himself could not walk freely and go around to give communion to all the elderly and sick priests. As I was giving the priests the Body of Christ, I was all emo (emotionally affected). I have given Holy Communion many times in the last 11years but today it was different because I was giving to the priests who themselves have  ministered to many people in their many years as priest. Each time I hold the Sacred Host in front of them and say 'The Body of Christ' and they open their hands and extend their palm I was....(hmmm I can't even express how that feeling was. Even now as I write this, my eyes swell with tears).

To look at those hands, the hands that baptized many, the hands that extended help to many, that hands that was instrumental of God's love and instrumental for allowing God to change bread into the Sacred Body of Jesus and wine into the Most Holy Precious Blood of Jesus. That hands that took the bread, gave thanks, broke the bread, gave and shared it with all..for the salvation of many.....Hmmmm I felt like kissing those hands now frail and weak that have many Godly experiences and stories to tell each one of us especially me who is aspiring to be like them, a priest after the heart of Jesus. 

May God bless all priests especially the priests that are old and sickly now. As you read this, remember and pray for all the priests you have come to know, who might have died or still alive, and in a special way for the priest who have given you the sacraments and ministered for your spiritual well being.