Sunday, August 05, 2012

Prayer Power Rally against the RH Bill and some fond memories....

Yesterday I proudly attended the Prayer Power Rally against the RH Bill organized by the Episcopal Commision on Family and Life (ECFL) of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) at the famous EDSA Shrine. Yes I am a 'Pro-Life' and I think I made it clear while I was working as a Youth Minister for the Catholic Diocese of Melaka-Johor, Malaysia. We had many 'Pro-Life' events such as No Apologies, Theology of the Body courses and New Sexual Revolution seminars organized by the Diocesan Youth Ministry. I'm glad that I was able to continue to make my stand here in this land of the Philippines joining my brothers and sisters in Christ in their stand to oppose the RH Bill. 

Participating in this rally brought back some memories. First as mentioned above, it brought back the memories of my experiences as a youth minister. Hahaha I wished I brought my  'pro-life' t-shirt. It was so appropriate for the event.

Second memories was the Bersih 3.0 rally I participated in Seremban. Click here for my short post on it. The difference with this 'Oppose RH Bill Rally' is that, this is a religious rally where we had prayers, sermons and lectures and ended with the Holy Eucharist. Though many Filipino participated (The paper today said more than 10 thousand) I did not see any police. It was a peaceful rally unlike Bersih where police shot teargas and beat up protestors and arrested and charged a few people.  

My third event that came to mind when I participated in this rally was the World Youth Day events that I participated. Click here for my post on it. The songs, music and the mass of the 'Oppose RH Bill Rally' reminded me of the World Youth Day 1995 in Manila. The rain reminded me of the recent 2011 World Youth Day in Madrid. That event we had a storm but yesterday we were prepared for the rain.

Here are some pictures of the Prayer Power Rally against the RH Bil:-