Friday, January 08, 2010

Last day of Christmas???

Many people including Christians / Catholics think that Christmas lasts for 12days or until the Feast of Epiphany (The visit by the 3 wise men). But for Catholics in their Liturgical calender, Christmas lasts from Christmas Day until the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
Christmas is the feast of the Incarnation, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, true God and true man; the feast where Christ comes to share our humanity, our history. And it is indeed so appropriate to end the Christmas celebrations with the celebration of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the feast in which we are reminded that we share His divinity. For we, who by water and the Holy Spirit are sons and daughters of God (children of God). Christ is baptized and the whole world is made holy.

I hope you guys still have your Christmas tree, decorations and the crib on display, and if u planning to keep it away, it's cool to do it this Sunday. Maybe you can have a family thingy packing all this decorations into the boxes after the Sunday services.

Update on 06/01/14 - For a beautiful explanation on the 'last day of Christmas;, click here