Thursday, September 11, 2008

Introduction to Lauds: Week 3, Thursday.

One of the famous image for Christ is the image of the Good Shepherd. And in relation to others, many people think that this image of the 'shepherd' is also only for the bishops and priests. This notion is wrong, for everyone is called to be like the 'Good Shepherd'; for a shepherd cares and loves his/her sheep and each one of us are called to do the same for others.

In this morning's canticle (Is.40:10-17) we see the image of God as a Shepherd, who feeds his flock and gather the lambs in his arms and carry them in his bosom. Being a 'shepherd' is not being authoritative or over powering but a 'shepherd' who cares and loves. This is a beautiful image, so let us all strive to be shepherds who are courages, present, real, respectful and loving.