Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Introduction to Vespers (Tueasday: Easter) Week 4.

Introduction based on the Gospel reading for the day - (Jn 10:22-30).

Whenever I find it difficult to sleep especially after having a very heavy dinner, I use to go out from my room / house to get some fresh air, and when I look out it is pitch black (dark). All the earth is absolutely silent, totally, completely. When I sit out there longer I realized there are sounds. Sounds of insects' chirping, the leaves from the nearby trees hitting each other following the rhythm of the wind. And if listen very carefully I can even hear myself breathing.

It really amazes me how the faintest and gentlest sounds dominate when it is quiet all around. It is in silence that they finally assume their rightful place of importance.

And that's the way with the voice of God. He is difficult to be found amidst the many voices and noises within and around us. He is gentle. He comes only when invited. If our heart is in turbulent, distressed or preoccupied, we will sure miss it. We will drown His voice.

But when we are quite, calm or at peace, when we put aside all the 'noise', we will definitely hear Him so clearly through His still voice, His creations, friends, loved ones and even life's circumstances.

So friends, in this evening prayer, let us take heed to this morning's Gospel in which it says; "The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me". Let us pray that in all situations we still be able to listen and recognize the voice of our Good Shepherd and follow Him.