Sunday, March 02, 2008

Introduction to Vespers (Lent: Week 4, Sunday - Evening Prayer II)

There is this son, who was finishing his sentenced in the prison. He wrote a letter to his father, which says; "Father, I've been a bad and disobedient son. I don't even deserve to be called your son. I'm coming back home after serving my sentence. Please switch on the porch light as a sign when the night train passes the house so I'll know that I'm allowed to come back home".

The house is near the railway station and the train passes the house.
The son who is in the train dare not see the porch of the house, fearing that it might not be lit. So he asked the passenger next to him to see. That guy described; "I see not only the porch lit but the whole house and there are color lights all around as though there is a party. Hey...uh wait!...I see a 'mad man' jumping around with a torchlight". The son could not believe it and he was surprised to see his father with the torchlight.

The season of lent reminds us many times to repent and to go back to the Lord. That 'mad man' in the story is like God; readily to welcome us. No matter what we have done; He'll welcome us back if we go back to him with love and a repented heart. The Magnificat antiphon this evening reminds us of God's love. It says; " was right that we should celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life, he was lost and is found".

Let us not allow this season of grace just go by. If we go back to the Lord with a repented heart, for sure we'll have a joyful Easter celebrations.

Going back with a repented heart to the Lord, let us pray...