Saturday, February 23, 2008

Introduction to Vespers (Lent: Saturday, Week 3 -Evening Prayer I - Sun)

The Parable of the Prodigal Son.

This morning at Mass, we heard of the parable of the Prodigal Son. When the younger son in the parable demanded from his father the portion of his shares, his intention was not to insult his father, yet it was like telling him to drop dead. The father, though his heart shattered still gave him the money. The son left his father's house taking on the world alone, only to come crashing down with a painful knock.

Actually, our true happiness lies in belonging to our Father's house. Do we really belong to God our Father? Have we not all been unfaithful to Him at some times? Do we truly belong to the house of our Father, which is human society, by our loving care and concern for each other?

Perhaps some of us are like the elder brother of the parable, withdrawn, unapproachable, bitter and afraid to mix with others, finding our security in excessive devotions or activities!

All of us have gone astray in some sense and need to return to our Father's house. God will surely receive us, for He is not just good but very good. He will be good to us whether we are like the younger son: a prodigal, or like the elder son: a paranoid. When we return to Him, let us bring with us that lost part of ourselves.