Saturday, September 15, 2007

Our Lady of Sorrows - September 15

Here is my points for the novena sermon preached at the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour , Singapore today.

Theme: Mary, Model of Suffering

Scripture Reading

Jn.19:25-27 – Mary at the foot of the cross.

Suffering, pain and sorrow is so much part of human condition. We not only see it around us but we also experienced it. It is an unsolved mystery and no one has succeeded in finding an explanation on it.

Affliction can be a powerful means and opportunity for us to enter into a close communion with God. It is a mean of sanctification and also to mould our hearts and minds to be more compassionate and understanding to others.

Mary was not spared from walking the rocky road of suffering and pain. She was not exempt from the hardships and heartaches which are normal to all people.

Her suffering and sorrow which Mary experienced throughout her earthly life (e.g. difficulties at Bethlehem, frightening escape into Egypt, poverty at Nazareth, loneliness during the public ministry of Jesus) reached a climax on Calvary’s hill.

Mary just stood at the cross and able to go through the pain of seeing her only son die is because of her faith and trust in God. Once again Mary had to repeat her ‘Yes’ in her pierced heart which Simeon prophesized during the presentation of Jesus.

Gazing at Mary standing at the foot of the cross fills us with deep gratitude. Her posture of peace and strength speaks of a wiling sacrifice and reminds us that Jesus’ redemptive death assures us of our eternal salvation.

Jesus knew that we will all encounter suffering and pain in life’s journey. He also realized that with our limited vision, we would not comprehend the mystery of suffering, even though much of our suffering is caused by mankind’s inhumanity to each other and also by our own self-centeredness.

To comfort and console us, to aid and encourage us in our plight of suffering; from the cross, from his passion and suffering he gave us his Mother Mary as our very own; “Behold your Mother”.

Having herself endured unimaginable pain, she understands our sufferings, hardships, frustrations and pain. She is eager to bring us comfort and reassurance if we implore her powerful intercession.

As our Mother of Sorrows, our model and exemplar, Mary, through her powerful intercession obtains for us strength and courage, comfort and consolation and ultimately peaceful acceptance in times of sorrow and suffering.

Here is another clip of the same song 'Mary did you know' that i posted on September 8, but this is a reflection of the sorrows of Mary - clip from the movie The Passion.