Thursday, September 20, 2007

Introduction to Lauds – Feast of St. Matthew (September 21)

Through today’s feast, we are invited to look back into our own call story. I am sure we can identify with St. Matthew very well, that we too are unworthy of this call. For the eyes of the world and critics we are the ‘tax collectors and sinners’ whom we find in today’s Gospel.

But God who came into the world not to call the virtous but sinners have call us to follow him. In the eyes of the world we might not be suitable but in God’s eyes we are his special ones. The rejects of society is the 'anawim' of Yahweh.

An important thing to note is that the meaning of Matthew is ‘gift of Yahweh’. Like Matthew we too are God’s gift.

As we pray our Lauds, we thank God for calling us and in the words of St. Paul in this morning scripture reading (Eph.2:19-22); for making us his fellow-citizens and members of his household.

We also pray for perseverance as we journey in answer to God’s call and also for those rejected by society and the church that God’s will be done in their life.