Sunday, June 10, 2007

Corpus Christi - 2007

I will be leaving for my silent retreat later at 6am together with my 3 classmates. Will be back on July22.

Please pray for us. Hope to update my blog with my experiences when i am back.

A reflection and prayer for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Was on 3 days break before flying off for my silent retreat. Took the opportunity to meet up with friends and relatives in Singapore. Family is in Malaysia and I am in Singapore so couldn't meet them, but called them though.

It was a great time-off from the usual routine in the seminary, meeting up with friends who haven't met for so long!! Had the opportunity too to spend time with slyboy-my brother. Wah i just love him, discovered that he is full of 'tricks'. He is great in 'manja-in' its another gift i think!! hehehe. Bro I am going to miss you lah!!! Mathi too!!! My family too!!! Haiz!! But do not have to worry, because Jesus has promised me that he will look after them. He has also promised me another thing (read Mark 10:28-30 to find out!!).

I received a lot of well wishes as i make preparations for my retreat. A lot of assurance of prayers and a safe journey. Some of it from people i never expected!! Thanks guys. Be assured of my prayers for you too. A little disappointed, because i didn't hear from those i expected that they will call or sms. Sigh!!! But nevertheless, assuring you of my prayers. Still not too late though, you can still pray for me!!! hehehe.

Take care guys. See you after July 22.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - UNITY IN DIVERSITY (2007)

Here is a reflection on the Trinity that i would like to share with you all by Br.Joseph Zhang C.D.D, used as introduction to vespers for the solemnity.

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is beyond our full comprehension. Yet we can learn something from it. The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity gives us the example and assurance that we can be one and at the same time distinct. The Most Holy Trinity is one in the divine nature but with three distinct persons. What makes them one is their complete love for each other. Out of complete love, the Father communicates His absolute perfection to the Son. Both together in a mutual act of love, communicate the identical fullness of the same divine nature to Their love-image, the Holy Spirit. Their union comes from Their complete love.

Now I can appreciate our (seminary) vision and mission statement for this year better; "Fidelity to our identity as Teacher, Minister and Leader through a Culture of Truth and Love in the Trinity". If we have the same love as the Father has for the Son and for the Holy Spirit, we can be one, a unity despite of our distinctiveness. Furthermore, it is the distinctiveness that make the unity more beautiful.

The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit not only love among themselves but also express their love for the world by creating the universe especially creating all of us. The Trinitarian God is our source and cause of us all. We bear the image of God, therefore, we should also communicate our love with all the creatures especially to all humanity.

My reflection
The Doctrine of the Trinity remains a mystery, for if the mind can comprehend it, then it no longer becomes a mystery, no longer God!!! Mysterium Tremendum et fascinas!!! Who can comprehend Your works, O Lord. I only ask, "Lord, increase my faith" (Luke 17:5)