Introduction to Vespers (Week 4: Sunday - Evening Prayer I)
Let us go to God's house." (Ps. 122:1)
as clay in the Hands of the Potter, so are you in My hands (Jer18:6)
Posted by Adrian Mathews at 9:50 PM
Mass Readings:- Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 / Mark 4:35-41
Posted by Adrian Mathews at 9:49 PM
Reflection on the readings for the Memorial of Sts. Timothy and Titus.
-2nd Timothy 1:1-8 / Titus 1:1-5
- Luke 10:1-9
The readings of the proper of Saints Timothy and Titus give me a theme of Partnership for reflection today. Timothy and Titus are disciples and co-workers of
As I look deep inside me….I ask myself… don’t I have more courage and confidence doing something new when I am with another person?? When I am on pastoral assignment or going somewhere and doing something for the 1st time, and being a timid person myself, I can be afraid, nervous and no confidence. But it’s all different when I am with another person, even if I am working with him / her for the 1st time. In an embarrassing situation it is always best when we are with another person; it’s like we are sharing the embarrassment. Don’t have to be malu all alone lah!!!
Don’t all of us feel the same too, that we are much more confident when with someone. Look at gangsterism or even vandalism, they do it in a group especially when its 1st time, eventually once they are confident and have been doing it many times they might go solo. Try going picketing alone!!!!
Somehow we draw strength from another. In the 1st reading,
In the Gospels, the Disciples are sent in pairs to foreign places, doing something they never done before. They are going empty handed which means they need to be thick skin to ask for assistance. They are going to meet people who might welcome or reject them.
Jesus knows his disciples and cares for them. That is why the pair. To strengthen each other in their mission. So let us pray for each other especially for our partners in faith.
Posted by Adrian Mathews at 9:11 PM
Posted by Adrian Mathews at 10:08 PM
A reflection on the Gospel of Mark 3:13-19 (The appointment of the twelve) - Friday of the 2nd week of ordinary time Year I.
Have you ever thought about the group Jesus chose to be his companion and his messenger? It is an imperfect group. Among His appointed twelve, there were fishermen (one who is always getting into trouble for his words and actions), tax collector, zealot, self-centered greedy man, over zealous men, and in a contrast some quiet fellows. Each of them has different characters; denied Jesus, a traitor, coward, doubter, thinker, emotional, lover, etc.
Eh……don’t we see this type of people in our groups, ministries and communities?? Yeah lah, come to think about this, our group is an imperfect group. Now, why did God put me in such an imperfect group? Why does God allow such group in his church?
Just imagine if Jesus chose perfect (up to standard) people to be his disciples…wow…what a boring group that will be (A mechanical, robotic community). No…Jesus didn’t choose an imperfect group so he can have fun with them but precisely so they can be formed. I am sure you know by now that I like the theme of clay…Yes, the clay can only be molded when it is soft (imperfect), a hard dried clay can’t; it will be broken to pieces.
There is a reason for each one of us to be in a certain group, especially in an imperfect group. The group becomes perfect only when each one plays their own role. The disciples became a perfect group only when they accepted each one (we see this evidently in the Acts of the Apostles).
Now why then are those people in the group who are irritating, not listening, not co-operating, blah, blah…? They are A PAIN in….(up to you to fill in the blanks) My friends, they are there to make us holy, patient, understanding; they are there precisely to form us and make us realize that we too are not perfect and in need of God’s help. Just imagine if it is a perfect group then we will all be arrogant and try to play God!!
It is a challenge to work with difficult people but don’t you agree it is a good opportunity for us to be holy, compassionate, loving. Never take it as a test, but treat it more as an opportunity for you. Then the gospel text of ‘Love your enemies’ and ‘be good to those who treat you badly’ comes alive in your life. An opportunity of love and service. (and my friends, we too might be a pain for others, so we are doing them a favour….hehehehe.)
I am sure you are asking me now; If that is the case, no group will ever be perfect?? No…once we accept each other with all their weaknesses and limitations and each one plays their own role then the group becomes perfect. Remember what the early Christians used to say about the community that remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles…”See how they loved one another” Just before Jesus died he gave a new commandment of Love to his apostles and he ended saying…by this all will know that you are mine.
Jesus wants to claim all of us as his own, Jesus wants to claim you as his own. So the next time when you are in a group with PAINS, just remember…It is an OPPORTUNITY of Love and Service.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Posted by Adrian Mathews at 10:53 AM
Today is the 1st death anniversary on my niece, Jasmin Isabel. She was with us for only 4days but have spoken to all of us in many different ways. She reminded us and helped us experience God's love in her short stay with us. We had a beautiful service in church with 3 priest con-celebrating. I had the privilege of conducting the burial service for her at the graveyard.
Below is the prayer I prepared for her memorial service taken from various prayer books. I will like to publish it in my blog so as to share with others who may want to use it.
Memorial Prayer Service for a Child
Welcome dear friends to this prayer service. We are here to remember ...(Name)... . Every time we remember we become conscious of our loss and of our grief. Grief causes a wound, sometimes a very deep wound. Like all wounds it hurts. But this is one wound we need not be ashamed of, for it is caused by LOVE. Christ blessed those who mourn and said they would be comforted. As we recall his words, let us renew our faith in his presence among us.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
May the Father of mercies, the God of all consolation, give us comfort and peace and may the Lord be always with us.
Opening Hymn:-
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
God our Father, your Son assured us that you notice and are concerned about a single sparrow that falls from the sky. We know that you have seen the fall of our little girl / boy, ...(Name)... . We are confident that she / he has fallen into your hands and that you will take good care of her / him. Support us who grieve for her / him, and comfort us with your loving protection. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Scripture Reading – Matthew 19:13-15
We don’t like to see anyone pluck a tiny flower that has just appeared over the ground. It somehow doesn’t seem fair or right. We feel it ought to be given a chance to grow and bloom.
This is even more true when the ‘flower’ in question is a little human being. Hence we are deeply saddened that little ...(Name)... has been plucked from life so soon. Nevertheless, as believers, we have one great consolation. The hand in which this little flower ends up is the hand of God. Here on earth ...(Name)... died as a bud on the first day of spring. May she /he grow and ripen in the soil of eternity.
i. The 1st .......... mystery, the .......... .
This decade is offered for ...(Name)’s family, especially her parents (and
brothers / sisters), that they feel the healing power of Christ in the midst of their pain and grief.
ii. The 2nd .......... mystery, the .......... .
This decade is offered for all souls, especially those who have none to pray for them.
iii. The 3rd .......... mystery, the .......... .
This decade is offered for all the children and young people of the world. That we may never be a stumbling block to them, but rather that we may open the doors of life to them.
iv. The 4th .......... mystery, the .......... .
This decade is offered for all of us here present. That we may always be conscious of our great dignity as children of God, and strive to live lives that are worthy of that dignity.
v. The 5th .......... mystery, the .......... .
Through this decade we pray that everywhere and in all circumstances human life may be respected.
Hail Holy Queen.
Let us not be afraid. Let us stop being anxious, for God, our Redeemer and Saviour, is with us. He will help us. Let us pray to him with the trust of a child.
Response:- Lord, hear us in your love.
1. That we may let go of ...(Name)... with confidence, knowing that she / he is in the hands of the heavenly Father. We pray in faith.
2. Small though she / he was, there was in her / him a divine spark which death cannot extinguish. May she / he who now see the face of God in heaven, intercede for us. We pray in faith.
3. For all who grieve because ...(Name)... was plucked from life so soon: that they may find comfort in the faith that they will see her / him again when we shall all meet in Christ’s everlasting kingdom. We pray in faith.
4. For doctors, nurses and all who care for life at its weakest moments. We pray in faith.
5. For all of us here present: that we may remember at all times, but especially at times of trouble and anxiety, that we are precious to God and that he will take care of us. We pray in faith.
Let us pray.
Father, in Christ you have shown us how much you love the little ones. Write ...(Name)’s name on the palm of your hand and give her / him the freedom of your kingdom. And those weighed down by grief at the loss of this little child may find reassurance in your infinite goodness. We ask this through Christ the Lord.
Invocation of God’s blessings
May the love of God and the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ bless and console us and gently wipe every tear from our eyes: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Closing Hymn:-
Posted by Adrian Mathews at 1:46 PM