Monday, August 25, 2008

Could not find the right match or have given up hope in life?

In our parish today…(‘our’?…yes! I ‘feel’ belonged and I’m part of it); we had the last preparations for the 1st Holy Communion candidates before they receive the Eucharist for the first time this weekend. It was held at a nearby school hall. This school is run by thechurch and nearly all the candidates are from this school. The sessions were given by Sr. Joan Goodwin RSJ. who serves at the parish and nearby schools. One of the session was a ‘mass explain’ via viewing a video. They even had the opportunity to learn hands-on on how bread (hosts) and wine were made; the two important elements for mass. After lunch we walked to the church to end with a session by Fr. Mark (Parish Priest). Father elaborated further about the Mass and he showed them the right manner when they come up to receive Holy Communion.

Session for !st Holy Communion Candidates by Sr. Joan Goodwin RSJ.

Session at the church.

While all this was going on, I was recalling a fond memory; an incident which is so close to my heart. About 9years ago, I was giving a similar session for the 9 years old in a parish in Kuala Lumpur. After my session, when I was leaving the hall, a girl stood up and stopped me. She said; “You are a priest”. I pat on her head and told her that I am not. She replied; “I know…but you are a priest” Hmmm... "I know"?? I had many sleepless nights pondering on it, even now! This is one of the many affirmations I have received that has helped me in my discernment to the priesthood. I do not know who the girl was and I’ve never seen her before but she had to ‘pat’ actually give me a big ‘hit’ on my head to give me a 'message'. In 2006 I was sent to that parish for pastoral. Coincidently I was asked to give a session for the confirmation class. According to my calculation, that little girl should be in this class if she was still in the parish. And when the students asked me about my vocation story, I shared with them this incident and they were shocked when I told them that that little girl might be one of them. Unfortunately no one could remember and no one came up claiming to be that little girl. So, was she an angel sent by God? Hmmm.

While still being in cloud nine; recalling the day and the fond memory of that little girl, I received a message from a new friend who had just added me on her
facebook. When she found out that I am considering being a priest, she asked whether is it because I couldn’t find the right match or I have given up hope in life! Hahaha I just had to laugh. I was thinking do people still think like that? She said she was kidding and later said it was interesting when I shared more. So I guess it’s just plain ignorance; not only her but many out there especially our Catholic friends. I was not angry with her; in fact, it was good for her to remind me why I want to be a priest and of course the joy I find in the priesthood. Even by being an aspirant and looking forward towards this great gift of God; I feel so happy, how much more will it be when by God’s grace I’m given the opportunity to be His priest. I am still praying and hoping that I’m doing God’s will. Many are aware that at this moment I am going through some difficult and testing time. They have asked how is it that I’m so relaxed and not worried about my future? My answer to them is ‘prayer’. Prayer is the one, that keeps me going in life and of course ‘trusting in the Lord’ which has been a constant theme in my life (and in my blog!!). Where else can I go? To whom else can I turn to? (Jn 6:68). He is my creator and He is responsible to look after me, especially after His promise to me when I said my first ‘Yes’.

Yes Lord, I’m only your clay, so You mold me as you wish. I pray Lord that You will help me not to be a dry clay or turn to be a stone (stubborn and can't be molded) but open and willing to do and be; anything according to your will and plan.

Friends, please pray for me, and many those aspiring to be priest and in fact for each one of us; that we will do what God wants us to do and be.