Solemnity of Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles.
June 29.
"No. Not me! God doesn't choose people like me. He doesn't want people like me!
Very often we hear people especially young people say this when we ask them about choosing priestly or religious life. I myself used to say this until I discovered that God actually chooses people who do not expect to be chosen; people who feel that they are losers, unqualified and not worthy, or maybe even over-qualified!
We can see those elements above in the two great men and Apostles of the church; Saints Peter and Paul, the two pillars, on which the church was founded. Peter a fisherman and if we look closely, he is a man with poor self-esteem. Paul is a persecutor, who thinks that he is 'high & mighty' for what he is doing.
But, when they allow God to use them, we see how they have been used mightily for the building of God's Kingdom. We see changes and growth. I think it really amazes each one of us, when we look back and see where we were before and how God has actually called people like us.We pray that like Sts. Peter and Paul, we may allow God to use us, for God has a purpose for each one of us.