Monday, November 26, 2007

SVDP Pastoral

Yesterday was the last day for my pastoral at the Parish of Saint Vincent De Paul, Singapore. I was posted to serve in the RCIY (Rite of Christian Initiation for Youths) since August this year. It was a great and beautiful experience. I learned a lot while conducting the sessions for the Catechumenates. The Parishioners are very friendly too. I take this opportunity to thank Fr. Michael Sitaram for accepting me to do my pastoral in the parish.

with the catechumens & the co-ordinators

After Mass at SVDP, I had lunch with the 'angels' of CTK! Yeah, I called them angels because they sing like 'angels'. They are the members of the Christus Dominus Choir from the Church of Christ the King, Singapore. Always enjoyed their company and especially their singing at Mass when I was there last year for my pastoral. Happy Feast Day friends!
with some of the 'angels'