Friday, April 20, 2007


Reflection on the Readings of Second Week of Easter: Friday.
(Acts. 5:34-42 / Ps. 26 (27) / John 6:1-15)

The phrase that touches me in today's gospel is "...but what is that between so many?" This phrase is said by Andrew when he brought a boy with 5 barley loaves & 2 fish to Jesus. For Andrew it might seem the loaves & fish is so insignificant. He never thought that Jesus could multiply it as we can see in the conclusion of the story.

As I asked Jesus, why this phrase for me, I begin to understand that he is
telling me it is alright to be insignificant in the eyes of others. For God is able to make the insignificant SIGNIFICANT. Everything is possible with God.

I have been so disturbed lately with all the decisions made 'around me'. I feel some of the decisions are unjust, not logical, irrelevant, not properly discern.
I feel insignificant especially if the decisions concerning me were not consulted, asked for my opinion or reasons or even prayed about it. (We see the same thing in the 1st reading)

Through this gospel, I feel Jesus is telling me to just put all the trust in him. Just offer myself as the simple barley loaves & 2 fish and He will "take the loaves (me), give thanks (offer to God, the Father), and give them out to all"

Now to be Given to all, i have to be 'broken'.
Wow that will be a challenge!! will be painful!!! Being insignificant in the eyes of people and being misunderstood is painful...broken. Its suffering!!
Now i understand why this phrase from the 1st reading touches me too; " they left...glad to have the honour of suffering humiliation for the sake of the NAME."

Now the question for me is; Is the suffering that I am going through, is it for the sake of the NAME (Christ)? Am i willing to be broken and let God TAKE and GIVE me TO OTHERS?