Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Lord's Prayer

The gospel (Mt.6:7-15)today, Jesus teaches us to pray.
"So you should pray like this:
'Our Father in heaven,
may your name be held holy,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we have forgiven those who are in debt to us.
And do not put us to the test,
but save us from the evil one'

This prayer which is known as The Lord's Prayer, is precisely because Jesus himself taught us. It is a beautiful prayer with a lot of meaning, that can be said at anytime in any situations.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Fasting that pleases God

Reflection on the 1st Reading of Friday after Ash Wednesday.
(Isaiah 58:1-9)

Today is the 3rd day since the beginning of Lent. Catholics have begun their Lenten observances with fasting, works of mercy and many other sacrifices. Being a Friday today, many people will be focusing on fasting. The 1st reading today from Isaiah spells out to us of the true fast that pleases God; ...to break unjust fetters and undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke, to share your bread with the hungry, and shelter the homeless poor, to clothe the man you see to be naked and not turn from your own kin...

This text is a reminder to us that all our sacrifices we make during this Lenten season is an opportunity once again for us to lead a life of holiness where we move towards God in a close relationship. The focuses is also on others. As we see the definition of the fast that God presents in the book of Isaiah, it should lead us to care and serve others,
Then will your light shine like the dawn and your wound be quickly healed ov
er. Your integrity will go before you and the glory of the Lord behind you. Cry, and the Lord will answer; call, and he will say, 'I am here.' concludes the text from Isaiah.

Yesterday while on pastoral, one of the catechumans was sharing her struggle on fasting, she said that when she is hungry, she thinks of food and must eat. There was a suggestions for her and i think it is also useful for all of us. The suggestion given to her was, If you are hungry, pray to God and transfer the hunger for food to the hunger for the Word of God. We can also transfer the word hunger into other different words too, such as hunger for love and care for others.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What are the origins of Ash Wednesday and the use of Ashes

The liturgical use of ashes originates in Old Testament times. Ashes symbolized mourning, mortality and penance. For instance, in the Book of Esther, Mordecai put on sackcloth and ashes when he heard of the decree of King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes, 485-464 B.C.) of Persia to kill all of the Jewish people in the Persian Empire (Est 4:1). Job (whose story was written between the 7th and 5th centuries B.C.) repented in sackcloth and ashes (Job 42:6). Prophesying the Babylonian captivity of Jerusalem, Daniel (c. 550 B.C.) wrote, "I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes" (Dn 9:3). In the fifth century B.C., after Jonah's preaching of conversion and repentance, the town of Ninevah proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, and the king covered himself with sackcloth and sat in the ashes (Jon 3:5-6). These Old Testament examples evidence both a recognized practice of using ashes and a common understanding of their symbolism.

Jesus Himself also made reference to ashes. Referring to towns that refused to repent of sin although they had witnessed the miracles and heard the good news, our Lord said, "If the miracles worked in you had taken place in Tyre and Sidon, they would have reformed in sackcloth and ashes long ago" (Mt 11:21).

The early Church continued the usage of ashes for the same symbolic reasons. In his book, De Poenitentia, Tertullian (c. 160-220) prescribed that the penitent must "live without joy in the roughness of sackcloth and the squalor of ashes." Eusebius (260-340), the famous early Church historian, recounted in his The History of the Church how an apostate named Natalis came to Pope Zephyrinus clothed in sackcloth and ashes begging forgiveness. Also during this time, for those who were required to do public penance, the priest sprinkled ashes on the head of the person leaving confession.

In the Middle Ages (at least by the time of the eighth century), those who were about to die were laid on the ground on top of sackcloth sprinkled with ashes.The priest would bless the dying person with holy water, saying, "Remember that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return."

After the sprinkling, the priest asked, "Art thou content with sackcloth and ashes in testimony of thy penance before the Lord in the day of judgment?" To which the dying person replied, "I am content."

In all of these examples, the symbolism of mourning, mortality and penance is clear.
Eventually, the use of ashes was adapted to mark the beginning of Lent, the 40-day preparation period (not including Sundays) for Easter. The ritual for the "Day of Ashes" is found in the earliest editions of the Gregorian Sacramentary, which dates at least to the eighth century. About the year 1000, an Anglo-Saxon priest named Aelfric preached: "We read in the books, both in the Old Law and in the New, that the men who repented of their sins bestrewed themselves with ashes and clothed their bodies with sackcloth. Now let us do this little at the beginning of our Lent that we strew ashes upon our heads to signify that we ought to repent of our sins during the Lenten fast." As an aside, Aelfric reinforced his point by then telling of a man who refused to go to Church on Ash Wednesday and receive ashes; the man was killed a few days later in a boar hunt. Since this time, the Church has used ashes to mark the beginning of the penitential season of Lent, when we remember our mortality and mourn for our sins.

In our present liturgy for Ash Wednesday, we use ashes made from the burned palm branches distributed on the Palm Sunday of the previous year. The priest blesses the ashes and imposes them on the foreheads of the faithful, making the sign of the cross and saying, "Remember, man you are dust and to dust you shall return," or "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel." As we begin this holy season of Lent in preparation for Easter, we must remember the significance of the ashes we have received: We mourn and do penance for our sins. We again convert our hearts to the Lord, who suffered, died and rose for our salvation. We renew the promises made at our baptism, when we died to an old life and rose to a new life with Christ. Finally, mindful that the kingdom of this world passes away, we strive to live the kingdom of God now and look forward to its fulfillment in Heaven.

This article appeared in the February 15, 1996 issue of "The Arlington Catholic Herald."

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Those who leave everything in GOD's Hand;
will eventually see GOD's Hand in everthing.
Worry ends when FAITH begins.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Why do people use DIFFICULT WORDS when speaking when they can actually use EASY WORDS???

The whole objective in communication is that, others - the listener (audience) can UNDERSTAND what we are saying. Yes they should understand us; if not, it is in vain. But what usually happens is that some people like to talk talk talk, go all over (river, mountain, sea, into the caves) and use big words and jargons that some people might have to go get a dictionary.

If you can use easy words, why don't you just use it?? The objective should be that others understand and not go asking the speaker; "hey what you said just now ah?" or "What you mean ah, can explain that word ah?", "Hey got simple word ah?, Can you just use English?". If the speaker can explain the words he used by giving another alternative word, that means he knows the simple word.

I am not referring here to words that have no simple meaning or an alternative word. That words got no choice, i am talking about those words that have another word that can be used and is beautiful and simple to understand.

I used to wonder why such people use those big words instead of the simple ones; are they showing off that they are learned? But isn't the whole objective is the other understanding it!!
Why speak when people don't understand. We are taught that when we speak or give a presentation, we must study the audience. So speak according to the audience. By all means use big words if they SHOULD understand it (E.g. words according to the listener's field /area) .

Jesus used simple words, stories (parables) according to his audience. He wasn't impressing anyone. He just want them to understand his message.

"I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. (Mt 11:25)

"Listen, those who have ears" (Mk4:9)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What's happening at the pews???

These past few Sundays I have been going for mass at the various parishes I was posted for my pastoral before. Since I was not on pastoral so I decided to attend mass dressed a ‘civilian’ (not with my clerical shirt or any identification that I am a seminarian). It was a good experience and I think all priest and church leaders especially youth leaders should do it to see what is happening among the parishioners especially the youths while mass is going on. They can also understand what the parishioners are going through while they sit at the altar.

The first parish I went, I had an encounter with a girl who was chatting with her boyfriend throughout the mass. I hinted by giving her signs that she was loud, she still kept on talking. Then I turn to her and said “Excuse me” but she could ask me back ‘What?” and louder she continued chatting. For your info, the readings were being read at that time. So instead of LISTENING to God’s Word she was SPEAKING. And I too couldn’t LISTEN to the Word of God because of obvious reason!! So I turn back to her and gave her and her boyfriend a big stare…but no… she didn’t stop!! During the offering of the sign of peace, the both of them didn’t want to return the sign of peace to me. After the mass I was told by my fellow seminarian who was sitting next to me that the guy was making funny signs at the back of my head. I think the boyfriend was not a catholic because I heard him asking during the announcements what the station of the cross is and moreover he didn’t receive the Holy Communion. What a bad role model!! The girl bringing a non-catholic and has shown him that’s its okay to talk during the celebration and be rude to people and they can treat the church like going to the cinema (hey even in cinema we get annoyed when people talk during the show). I wanted to speak to them after mass but they left before the recessional hymn could end.

Today at mass in a different church, I sat at the loft with my cousin. (Loft is the famous place for the youths to sit during mass, especially the back). I saw a youth sitting with his friends. I have seen him in a parish ministry distributing rations for the poor before. He was chewing gum. Yes, throughout the mass!! During communion, I saw him standing and lining in the queue to receive Holy Communion and he was still chewing gum. After receiving the Lord in his hands, he put the sacred host in his mouth while chewing gum. Now, I am sure some of the particles of the Holy Communion will be stuck in the gum. Do you think he will swallow the gum or throw it out? I had no opportunity to stop or correct him, we were sitting far apart but I could see him clearly. I thought when the mass end I will go to him and speak privately. But unfortunately, just like the previous youth, he also left before the mass could end. He left during the thanksgiving hymn. I hope to meet this guy when I go for mass there in two weeks time.

Now where is the reverence for the Holy and the Sacred? How do our people relate to God? What is in the mind of our people when they come for mass? Do they know what they are celebrating? Do you?

Friday, February 09, 2007

...both of them were NAKED

Reflection on the Readings of Friday Week 5 in Ord. Time Year I.
(Gen 3:1-8 / Ps. 31 (32) / Mark 7:31-37)

In reflecting today’s readings, what touched me was the phrase from the 1st reading; “…and they realized that they were naked. So they sewed fig-leaves together to make themselves loin-cloths” (vs. 7) Why are they shy? I remember yesterday’s text which ended with the phrase; “Now, both of them were naked, the man and his wife, but they felt NO shame in front of each other” (Gen 2:25).

I asked myself at which moments or when I am comfortable being naked?

- I am able to be naked when I am alone. I don’t have a problem with myself. I have a good self esteem and I love my body. I am able to stand naked and look at my body; it is because I have a good relationship with myself. (I realized that when I am not in a good mood or feeling a low, I can’t even look at myself in the mirror, this is because there is no proper relationship with myself).

- I am able to be naked in front of my parents, not even with my siblings. This is because they were the ones who brought me up. God used them as means in creating me. They have seen me naked many many times, bathing me, changing my diapers, going to the doctor for medical purposes, etc. Automatically the relationship is there and it has strengthened because of the love and care they have and still showering me. I might be apprehensive (shy) at first, but am able to stand naked in front of them. I always wish if I come to a situation where I need to be naked due to medical reasons, my mum will be around! hehehe

- I am able to be naked in front of my close friends who I treat like a brother. Hey I don’t simply go standing naked in front of them okay, so don’t get the wrong idea. It’s when situation like I have to change in front of him when we are sharing the same room. This is also because of a relationship I have with him. A relationship with trust, love and care. Hey, not just any close friend, but a VERY CLOSE FRIEND. So if you want to know, whether I am your very close friend, try to get me naked in front of you!!! Hehehehe.

Now going back to my reflection, we are able to stand naked freely in front of another person and not feel shy is because we have a good relationship with that person. Adam and Eve were able to stand naked in front each other and not feel shy in yesterday’s text is because they had a good relationship. Moreover they were husband and wife (Gen 2:22ff). In today’s text the problem starts. Tomorrow’s text we will know why they are suddenly shy. The text which is the continuation will tell us the reason; they have lost the innocence and starting to fight with each other (Adam blaming Eve).

Both of them hid themselves from God too, their Creator. Now why are they shy in front of their Creator? I know you know the answer. Yes you are right, their relationship with God has strained. And this is due to SIN. They have disobeyed God and one of the consequences of sin is a strained relationship. They don’t share God’s goodness and innocence and they want to go on a hiding. Adam and Eve were guilty and filled with shame because of sin. They should have taken personal responsibility and not blame one another. Instead of justifying, they should have acknowledged their failings and seek God’s forgiveness.

I am so happy to read today’s psalm. It is motivating especially after reflecting the downfall of our first parents (CCC 417#). The psalm says “Happy the man whose offence is forgiven”. Truly we should be happy, because our God is a God full of love and compassion. But we have to be truly repentant and acknowledge our sins if we want to be forgiven and be restored in a perfect relationship with God. The psalm gives a cue, it states; “But now I have acknowledged my sins, my guilt I did not hide. I said: I will confess my offence to the Lord. And you, Lord, have forgiven the guilt of my sin” (vs. 5). After acknowledging our sins and asking God for forgiveness, we should rejoice, for “Happy the man whose offence is forgiven, whose sin is remitted. O happy the man to whom the Lord imputes no guilt, in whose spirit is no guile” (vs.1-2).

My dear friends, usually when we do something bad, and when we sin, we tend to runaway and hide from God. We try to keep it a secret. But if we are truly repentant, we do not have to run, for God, who is full of compassion and love, who keep his covenant ever in mind [Ps110 (111)], will forgive and welcome us back.

In the Gospel today, we notice that Jesus after working the miracle “ordered the people not tell anyone about it, but the more he insisted, the more widely they published it”. I am sure you are asking, why Jesus wanted it to be a secret since he was doing good and not bad which will make people go secretive or hiding? Jesus had a valid reason for wanting to make it secret. He was afraid that with the publicity they will take him by force and make him king (Jn.6:15). Make him king for a wrong reason. The best part in the text I feel is when Jesus insisted, “the more widely they published it. Their admiration was unbounded. He has done all things well, they said, he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak”. After experiencing God’s love, the people when proclaiming it. We too should go; we should go and tell the marvelous works the Lord has done in our lives. That he has set us free and brought us back to share in his life. He has forgiven and healed the relationship that we broke due to our sins.

My dear friends, if because of situations we have to go hiding, then let us take cue again from the psalm of the day; “You are my hiding place, o Lord; you save me from distress. You surround me with cries of deliverance” (vs.7). Let us not be like Adam and Eve who "hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden" (Gen. 3:8).

Let the Lord be our hiding place.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Reflection on the Readings of Thursday Week 4 in Ord. Time Year I.
(Heb 12:18-19. 21-24 / Mark 6:7-13)

Once again we have the text of the sending out, but this time it is the sending out of the twelve apostles ("sent out"). The uniqueness in the Gospel of Mark is that he brings out the theme of discipleship very clearly.

Reflecting on this text, i see the theme of dependence. Jesus is sending his apostles on a mission and he gives them authority over unclean spirits. He also give them not one but many instructions and conditions...don't take this...don't take that..... . At the end of the text we read the apostles "...set off to preach...cast out many devils...anointed many sick...cured them". And on Saturday, we will read the continuation of the text with the apostles coming back from their mission all tired and excited wanting to tell Jesus all that had happen.

Now wait a minute....excited??? In today's text we hear of them setting off to mission!!!! Crazy fellows!!! Wei Apostles, there was a catch in your sending out lah...you forgot ah that Jesus gave you some condition...TAKE NOTHING!!! for the journey except a staff (walking stick...to chase some snakes i think) no bread, no haversack, no coppers, no...no...
And you guys just go off ah...power crazy!!! Just because He gave you authority you guys go ah???

Dear friends, the apostles are not power crazy or are not aware of the conditions. I believe it is through their experience staying with Jesus, that they have trusted in God that GOD WILL PROVIDE. Don't you think so? Since all the more they are doing His will (mission) He will provide for them.
Already being with Jesus they have learn that Jesus depended on the Father. Jesus had already shown them the generosity of God. In today's gospel acclamation, it states; "I call you friends, says the Lord, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father" (Jn15:15). Jesus is our brother, our friend. He has set an example of trusting the Father. The apostles have learnt it that is why they came back all excited with mission stories to tell. God has provided for their needs. Jesus has shown us the Father and through Him (mediator) we are 'first-born son' (children of God) and 'citizen of heaven' as written in today's 1st reading from Hebrews. The text also gives an impression that we do not have to approach God with trembling fear but with joy, love and trust.

I would like to end my reflection with a testimony of experiencing God's providence:-
In December 1999, i read at the herald about the (WYD) World Youth Day 2000 in Rome. And those Malaysians who were interested are to register by the end of January 2000 with the Youth Office in my diocese. I was interested to go, but have no money because, even though I was working with a 3 digit salary figure i had to pay for the part time diploma course i was taking and my room rent since i was staying at the city by myself. I had too pay for other expenses and also give some contribution to my family expenses.
A friend happen to call me and he told me that he was interested and going to register. I told him my difficulties. At the end of our conversation, he told me that "If God wants you to be there for the WYD, don't worry, just trust in Him and He will provide." I took claim of those words of my friends and I prayed; "God if you want me there, you do the necessary. "

Just two weeks before the closing date of the registration, my elder sister came to see me after reading in the herald about it and the closing date. She gave me the down payment and asked me to go register. I took it not knowing where i was going to get the rest of the money for the full payment and also to renew my passport. I just went to register and i was told they wanted a xerox copy of my passport. Oops not yet renew lah!! Ok, got another two weeks, God will provide. And He did. In fact He also provided for the next few payments through my bonus and my mother, friends and some savings of here and there.

Now it came to the last payment, and i was short with some money. The date was near but i was not tensed, maybe because with the experience that i started with nothing and now i have already paid two earlier payments and the passport, God will provide. One night my aunt came to visit us and as she was leaving, she gave me an ang pow. It wasn't my birthday or Christmas either. When i asked her why the ang pow, she said that she prayed that if she strike number, she will give me some money since i was going for the WYD. She striked and she put in an ang pow packet and gave it to me. I was reluctant to take because i know she needed it more since she has some financial difficulties. But she insisted. So i took it. I opened it after she left and to my surprise it was the sum that i needed for the payment. It was a big sum. Now i thought she gave me the wrong ang pow packet, so i called her. "Aunt, are you sure? Do you know the amount you gave...it is alot. are you sure?" "Yes i know how much i gave you, i am sure, just take it" she answered.

Now, i have paid up all the sum for the trip and was ready to go. The Youth Office has made the arrangements for our lodging and food while our stay there. So i brought along some pocket money , just enough. Can't enjoy much or buy things or go visit other places in Rome. On the the day we were scheduled to leave, i went for the daily morning mass. My parish priest at that time the Late Rev. Fr. Benedict S., invited me to the foot of the altar for a special blessing. At the end of the blessing he whispered to my ear to come by his office after Mass. So after Mass i went to his office not expecting any money because in the beginning, the parish has already made known that they would not sponsor anyone for the WYD and those intend to go they have to get their own resources. So i went there, thinking he might want me to buy something from Rome or give me some advise on the trip. But to my surprise, he gave me an envelope with some money in it asking me to use it. And that money was a great help when i was there. I was able to brings back some souvenirs for my friends and especially those who have helped me.

In the airport, i met my friend who had advised me to trust the Lord. I gave him a hug and told him" Yes, God wants me there for the WYD and He has provided". The trip was a beautiful experience.

Since this experience of divine providence, i seem to have trusted the Lord more especially in terms with money or material. And He has provided. It is now 7 years I am in the seminary and i do not get paid, i just receive some allowance (no need to tell the figure lah ah, its 2 digit this time). I never had any financial problem. Money comes...money goes. When i need it...somehow God seems to provide, through my parish when on holidays, pastoral parishes, some kind benefactors and friends. Strangely all this happen when i am in need. If i don't get, then i know it is not God's will that i should get it. I will not get angry with him, He knows what is best for me.

Hey friends, if God made it possible for me to go to Rome out of nothing, sure He will provide.I don't ask my family for money and at times when i have extra i give it to my mum for the family expenses. I always feel if i can contribute, i should do it. It also helps me to be generous. I see that the more i give, the more i receive. That is why i think my pocket never dries. hehehe.

So my friends, let us...Trust in the Lord with all your heart. God will provide.

This reminds me of a song by Sebastian Temple; LEAVE IT IN THE HANDS OF THE LORD.
Sing with me;

Leave it in the hands of the Lord (x2)

Do not worry over what to eat,

What to wear or put upon your feet,
Trust and pray, go do your best today,

Then leave it in the hands of the Lord.
Then leave it in the hands of the Lord.

The lilies of the field,
They do not spin nor weave,
Yet Solomon was not arrayed like one of these.

The birds of the air,
They do not sow or reap,
But God tends to them,
Like a shepherd tends his sheep.

The Lord will guide you in his hidden way,
Show you what to do

And tell you what to say.
When you pray for rain,
Go, build a dam to store;
Ev'ry drop of water
You have asked him for.

The Lord knows all your needs before you ask.
Only trust in him,
For he will do the task

Of bringing in your life
Whatever you must know,
He'll lead you through the darkness
Wherever you must go.