A Best Friend like Jonathan....
My reflection today on the 1st reading taken from the Book of First Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7 is on the person of Jonathan and his relationship with David. The two of them became close friends when David entered the service of Saul. "...Jonathan felt an instant affection for David; Jonathan loved him like his very self" - 1Sam 18:1. The following chapters will show us that in the conflated account of David's troubles with Saul there are accounts of Jonathan's successful intercession for David with Saul. When Jonathan was killed, David was in deep sorrow, he had an elegy for both Saul and Jonathan. This is what he had to say about Jonathan; "...Jonathan, by your dying I too am stricken, I am desolate for you, Jonathan my brother. Very dear you were to me, your love more wonderful to me than the love of a woman.." - 2Sam 1:25-26.
I tell you, I envy David!! I wish I had a close friend like Jonathan. And all I ask of him is just to be like Jonathan, to love and care for me. Hahaha sounds selfish ya!! Anyway when I look at myself, I see that I have tried to be like Jonathan to many. I have loved them more than I love myself. Sacrificed a lot and didn't count the cost and all I asked of them in return is their friendship of love and care. But all I got was otherwise. Sigh.....As I conclude, I ask God what is His message for me; and the message that Jesus gave from the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) which is " You go and do the same; you be a neighbor to the rest"applies for me, i.e. 'You, go and BE A FRIEND to those in need of one".
I am not perfect, and in truth I need better skills to be a good friend. I shall learn. Experiences is a good teacher. I will continue my promises to those who are already my friends and close friends; that I will continue to love and care for you like how Jonathan was to David, no matter how you treat me. And maybe by God's grace, He will bless me with a 'Jonathan '.
May God bless all our friendships...