Monday, May 05, 2008

Introduction to Lauds (Monday) Easter: Week 7.

We have arrived at the last week of the Eastertide. The last 43 days we have been rejoicing and celebrating with lots of Alleluia, more than the usual. We have been listening from the scriptures how Jesus has been walking, eating and communicating with his Apostles after his Paschal Mysteries. Now for us the Paschal Candle reminds us of the resurrection of Jesus and His presence among us.

Next Monday we continue with the Ordinary Time. Just as we have experienced the Resurrection of Jesus, now we are called to get prepared to be His witness in our ordinary life. It is so fitting to end the Eastertide with Pentecost and continue with the ordinary season.

So in these remaining days we pray that the hope and joy of this beautiful season that we have experienced, will remain in our hearts all through the year. For Easter time reminds us that as long as we believe, our Saviour will be here among us still.