you are not alone...I AM here with you.
Reflection on the Readings of the Sixth Week of Easter: Friday. (Acts. 18:9-18 / Ps. 46 (47) / John 16:20-23)
Beginning of this year, just before I came back to seminary; at Mass, my Parish Priest asked the parishioners to pray for me. He said that since now I am starting my 7th year and its towards the end of my priestly formation, i need more prayers because I will be facing a lot of challenges and struggles. He knew what he was saying...that time of struggles and difficulties for me has come!!
Just 2 weeks ago I was accused for something I did not do. There were 5 allegations on me and 4 of it are false and 3 of it was a personal attack on me!!! I am sad surely, not on the allegations, that one I do not care because it is false but am sad on how this matter came about and the person(s) behind all this. So what do I do?? Defend myself of course by responding to the allegations, and now its up to....(censored) decide and make conclusions. On top of all this, my loved ones too, are going through a lot of problems. What else to do?? Yes, I questioned God, had my normal 'fight' with him. Because He agreed to look after me and my loved ones when I said Yes to him 7 years ago!!
The Lord answered all my questions through todays readings especially the gospel. He says " are sad now, but I shall see you again, and your hearts will be full of joy, and that joy no one shall take from you." (Jn.16:22). Jesus said this in the gospel to assure the disciples because they will be separated from Jesus for sometime. Through my hardships, I too feel like I am separated from Jesus, but he assures me that..."I shall see you again". Through this text too, Jesus is assuring me that all this problems and struggles are just temporary and I will eventually overcome it and experience his promise of joy; and all I have to do is to just place my TRUST in him.
In the 1st reading we see St.Paul places his trust in the Lord, and the Lord assures him; "Do not be afraid to speak out, nor allow yourself to be silenced: I am with you... ." (Acts.18:9-10). This promise is for me too, "Adrian...Do not be afraid...I am with you" Actually in truth when I look back in hindsight I was never alone in my problems...Jesus has been with me all the while. Do you remember the story of the 'footprints';"My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."So dear friends, you are not alone,
Jesus is with you ...especially when you are going through problems and struggles. His promise to all of us who trust in him is; "...your sorrow will turn to joy." (Jn.16:20).